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人の気を引くシンプルなデザイン [アートシーズスタジオ]
art seeds studio の Artist, Art director and Designer について
柚木 陽子
Yoko Yuzuki
これまで様々なシリーズの作品を手がけています。中でも花のエネルギーを描くようになったのは、ある冬、タンポポの力強い発芽の生命力に触れた時にはじまりました。シリーズ [Flora Japonica]では、花固有の視覚的特徴や機能的美しさにフォーカスし、壮大な花の命の物語とそこから生まれる様々なイメージを中心に、様々な環境に適応しながら維持・拡大する植物の絵画表現に取り組んでいます。
また、童話作家ハンス・クリスチャン・アンデルセンのおとぎ話の世界に触発された花の絵、シリーズ [花とアンデルセン]では、自邸に花を植え観察しデッサンする傍ら、童話はデンマーク語の原文と日本語で読み、デンマークの自然や街並みをイメージしながら制作する独自のスタイル。アンデルセンの世界からインスピレーションを得たイメージを自分の解釈に置き換え、色や形や質感で表現しています。
初期のシリーズ作品 [テン]では、生命の存在が姿を現し、風に舞い、喜びのために歌を歌う作家自身の内的世界の種(タネ)=生命エネルギーとして表現したことは特筆すべきことです。それは一連の花の絵を描くための出発点でもありました。自分の作品が人々の内的世界に愛と楽観的な感覚を与えることを望んでいます。
Born in Okayama, Japan. Originally from Hiroshima. Yoko Yuzuki is an artist, art director and designer. She is also a member of 3D & Flat-Lab. (A creative group that makes wonders of hand brain). Into a Japanese and western cultural family among tea ceremony masters, Buddhist sculptor, calligrapher and western painter, Yoko enjoyed the rich influences of a multicultural upbringing.
Her artistic career began in 1995 in Denmark. She studied fine art at Ulrik Hoff in Denmark and then graduated in graphic design at the Toyo Institute of Art and Design in Tokyo.
In the past 25 years, Yoko has had art studios in both Denmark and Tokyo. Yoko draws her inspiration from her artistic roots, her inner vision, her Japanese and Scandinavian influences, and a deep love for nature. She hopes that her works may give people feelings of love and optimism in their inner worlds. She has held solo exhibitions in Copenhagen, Hong Kong, Tokyo, Osaka, Okayama and Hiroshima, Japan. Her work has been sold to many customers around the world, including the United States, Denmark, Sweden, France, Scotland, Germany, Belgium, Canada, Poland, Hong Kong, Japan, and more.
[About Artworks]
For Yoko Yuzuki to paint the energy of flowers began in one winter by being touched by the strong life force of dandelions during sprouting of the flowers. Later on, focusing on the visual characteristics and functional beauty of individual flowers, she has been working on expressing the image mainly on magnificent flowers' life-stories and various images born from them, which the plants that maintain and expand while adapting to various environments. Today, she has been producing paintings of various flowers, which were inspired by the world of Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tales. In her earlier production, the "ten Collection" is notable as the seeds for her inner world to reveal life existence, dance in the wind and sing a song for pleasure. And, they were also starting point of her drawing a series of all flowers. She says that she hopes that her artworks give people feelings of love and optimism in their inner worlds.
1997 Oticon A/S (デンマーク)
1997 Adventskirken (デンマーク)
1997 Oticon A/S (デンマーク)
2006 Gallery fu (東京)
2007 Gallery 弁天17 (香港)
2007 Galleryノーブル/玉川高島屋 (東京)
2008 Galleryノーブル/玉川高島屋 (東京)
2009 Galleryノーブル/玉川高島屋 (東京)
2010 Galleryノーブル/玉川高島屋 (東京)
2011 Galleryノーブル/玉川高島屋 (東京)
2019 さん太ギャラリー/山陽新聞社 (岡山)
2020 広島三越 (広島)
2022 サンスターホール(広島)
2022 三越画廊 (広島)
2023 三越ギャラリー (広島)
2023 アートデアート・ビュー (大阪)
2024 Siemens Danmark (デンマーク) 開催中!
2004 Touch One展 (gannaca/ドイツ)
2004 Bilder,Briefe,Noten LII展 (Galerie Autoren1/ドイツ)
2004 Style展 (Tokyo Lounging/ドイツ)
2006 My Favorite Life展 (Tokyo Lounging/ドイツ)
2008 REWIND.5 artists from Japan展 (Gallery弁天17/香港)
2019 女流画家3人展 (コンベックス岡山/岡山)
2020 すうじのつぶやき展 (林源十郎商店/倉敷)
2023 "WE HOPE" (Think Up Edition / Düsseldorf /ドイツ)
2023 "A Tribute to Callas" (Castelvecchio / Verona /イタリア)
2024 "New Year Gift 2024" (アートデアート・ビュー /大阪)
2024 "Ten" Siemens Denmark [Danmark]
2024 "New Year Gift 2024" [Osaka, Japan]
2023 A Tribute to Callas [Verona, Italy]
2023 ART de ART VIEW [Osaka, Japan]
2023 Think Up Edition "WE HOPE" [Düsseldorf, Germany]
2023 Hiroshima Mitsukoshi Gallery [Hiroshima, Japan]
2022 Hiroshima Mitsukoshi Gallery [Hiroshima, Japan]
2022 Sun Star Hall [Hiroshima, Japan]
2021 Town Hall Gallery [Hiroshima, Japan]
2020 Town Hall Gallery [Hiroshima, Japan]
2020 Hayashi Genjuro Market [Kurashiki, Japan]
2020 Hiroshima Mitsukoshi [Hiroshima, Japan]
2019 Convex Okayama [Okayama, Japan]
2019 Santa Gallery [Okayama, Japan]
2018 Gallery Fountain [Tokyo, Japan]
2017 the National Art Center [Tokyo, Japan]
2016 Uenonomori Museum [Tokyo, Japan]
2016 the National Art Center [Tokyo]
2016 Osaka City Museum of Fine Art [Osaka, Japan)
2015 Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum [Tokyo, Japan]
2015 Uenonomori Museum [Tokyo, Sendai and Kobe, Japan)
2015 the National Art Center [Tokyo, Japan]
2015 Osaka Art Museum [Osaka, Japan)
2008 Gallery benten 17 [Hong Kong]
2007 Gallery fu [Tokyo, Japan]
2007 Gallery benten 17 [Hong Kong]
2006 Tokyo Lounging [Munich, Germany)
2004 Tokyo Lounging [Munich, Germany
2004 Gallerie Autoren 1 [Munich, Germany)
2004 gannaca [Cologne, Germany]
1998 Oticon A/S [Copenhagem, Denmark]
1997 Adventskirken [Copenhagen, Denmark]
1997 Oticon A/S [Copenhagen, Denmark]
Ulrik Hoff 美術学校
"H" ADC 審査員特別賞
Special Jury Award / Hiroshima Art Directors Club